Dear Tristan,
Here is another question with regards to LEED certification struggles in Europe, more specifically with regards to EA prerequisite 2 mandatory provisions (sections 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, & 10.4).

In LEED 2009 (V3) all referenced standards are US standards (for example ASHRAE 90.1-2007 or SMACNA Standard, etc.) and there are no ACP (Alternative Compliance Paths) for certain credits (i.e. EAp2).
In Europe a whole set of standards are all ready set in place to cover these same issues. Thus all the European industries and building contractors use these standards to certify their products (HVAC systems, electrical installations etc...) and installations.
The problem is no one here is familiar with or uses the ASHRAE or US Standards. Furthermore another difficulty arises as these standards are not translated into local languages. As a results it is difficult for European projects to comply with or show compliance with LEED requirements.

Will LEED V4 to take into account European Standards or an "Equivalent Local Standards "(ELS)?
If so how will the ELS will be choosen? Will USGBC choose the local standards or will the LEED AP be responsible for choosing them ?
Is it currently possible for the LEED AP to choose an ELS for LEED 2009 and/or LEED V4?
