We are at the stage where we are responding to the GBCI Reviewer's comments on the Design/Construction Submittal. They ask "Please provide a narrative..." or "Please provide additional information..." BUT when you go to that credit and click the UPLOADS tab, there is no UPLOAD button (meaning no ability to upload any documents). Has anyone seen this before & how do I fix this or get around it? Is it a problem on the LEED Online side? Thanks!
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Renee Shirey
Stantec422 thumbs up
March 9, 2020 - 5:27 pm
It would help to know what version of LEED and what particular credit. Is it possible to provide the info in a narrative, via the "Special Circumstances" window that is usually at the bottom of the credit template?
Meghan Cole
Sustainability CoordinatorWRNS Studio
2 thumbs up
March 9, 2020 - 5:30 pm
Hi Jenni - I would suggest using the Special Circumstances option within the form. You may be able to simply copy/paste your narrative into the form's Special circumstances dialogue box. If you have to upload more than just a narrative, clicking the Special Circumstances option will also usually updates the credit to allow for uploads.
Jenni Betancourt
Director of Sustainability | ArchitectDewberry Architects Inc.
3 thumbs up
March 9, 2020 - 6:08 pm
Hi! Thank you both for chiming in. This is LEEDv2009. The 2 credits are EAc4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management (there is NO "Special Circumstances" dialogue box in the template) and IEQp1 Min Indoor Air Quality Performance (there is NO "Special Circumstances" dialogue box in the template).
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
March 10, 2020 - 12:18 pm
I just checked one of my LEED v2009 projects and there IS an upload button, and there IS a Special Circumstances dialog box on the LEED online form/template. We are using a EAc4 v06 form. Which version do you have?
By the way, did you click on "open to update" - it's the other option to "pending".
Renee Shirey
Stantec422 thumbs up
March 10, 2020 - 11:19 am
I just checked an ongoing LEED v2009 project for IEQp1, and I am seeing an Upload button for the credit, and there is an Additional Details/Special Circumstances check box (which will then give you the narrative window) at the bottom of the credit template. The template form version is 5.0.
Susan Di Giulio
Senior Project ManagerZinner Consultants
153 thumbs up
March 10, 2020 - 2:12 pm
I have recently been having this problem with multiple credits that I know for sure require uploads. It is an issue between LoL and the configuration of your computer or internet server or browser. Why, oh why, can't the Mothership make their interface less glitchy?
Jenni Betancourt
Director of Sustainability | ArchitectDewberry Architects Inc.
3 thumbs up
March 11, 2020 - 7:19 pm
THANK YOU EVERYONE. When I click the box next to "Special Circumstances" at the end of the templates, then a narrative box opens AND an "UPLOAD" button appears! I'm all set. Thanks again.