As the general contractor on a recently completed LEED project, all of the tickets I've received from the off-site waste separation facility listed the tonnage diverted by item, i.e., concrete, metal, wood, plastic, cardboard, etc. Then, one of our subcontractors - who provided his own containers -used the same recycling facility, the tickets I've received from them do not separate the items, the tonnage recycled was just provided, not the breakdown. The recycling facility assured me the material was 100% recycled and not landfilled - can I include that tonnage as "MIXED DRY REC." since i cannot be more specific as to the contents? Thanks!
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LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
October 20, 2014 - 11:45 am
Christine - Was this waste collected as commingled or site-separated? Based on your description of what you received from the recycling facility, it seems like your description makes sense and you'd need to also show this as commingled on the form (Diverted or Landfill Waste column) and provide backup from the recycling facility showing the overall recycled percentage.
Christine Castellano
1 thumbs up
October 20, 2014 - 11:46 am
Michelle - the waste was commingled and separated off site. Just so I understand, your interpretation is I can use the tonnage as Mixed Dry Recycled, as long as i have backup from the recycling facility showing the overall recycled percentage?
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
October 20, 2014 - 12:09 pm
I am glad to know it was commingled. This makes this approach even more straightforward.
To answer your question - yes; however, I want to clarify that the percentage from the recycling facility is for your specific job and not a facility-wide recycling rate. If it is not specific, see the last FAQ above and the reference to LI ID #10060 - regarding facility-wide recycling rates.