We are completing a 3,000 SF project for an on-campus group that takes production vehicles and retrofits them to be completely battery electric. So the nature of the program is to "create" fuel-efficient vehicles, which they will store inside the garage facility for continued research and testing. If we pursue Option 3 for this credit, can these count as FE vehicles and can the preferred parking spot be considered inside the garage? Or, since there will be 240V and 480V charging within the building, could that count for Option 2 instead? Thank you for your help!
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Ellen Mitchell
331 thumbs up
October 24, 2012 - 5:37 pm
Because you are proposing a somewhat non-standard path to achieving this credit, I am not sure you will find a definitive answer outside of a credit interpretation request (or you can just try it and see). It is unclear from your description if the project also includes parking for employees/students/staff. If so, then I'm guessing that the charging stations and/or FE vehicles need to be available to them as well in order to have a convincing argument.