Hi all,

We are workign on this subway station and it has ramps that cgoes across the streets. The ramps are to be built by the project but the space underneath them - since it a street - won't be touched by the project. So we re having a really hard time in definidn the LEED Project Boundary for this project: the property is delimited on the north and south side by walls, on the groundfloor; but the ramps are aerials structures...so what I see as a solution and what makes senses to our project is to consider as the LEED Project Boundary the ground floor for the area delimited by the north and south walls + the perimeter of the ramps, which will be in a different level, since they corss the streets and the streets and sidewalk are not object of this project.
Since the platforms will be in the gorundfloor, within the north/south property walls, and the ramps will be aerial structures crossing the streets I caled it a "tridimensional LPB". I know it sounds a little confusing but I hope I could convey the scenario! So does this apporach make any sense??
