The notes about changes to LEEDv4.1 indicate that the VOC budget method has been removed, although it is still asked as a question in the calculator. Please confirm if it is an option. Also, does the square footage or volume need to be tracked if all adhesives and sealants comply? It is also a oull-down option in the v4.1 Low Emitting Material Calculator.
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Tommy Linstroth
CEOGreen Badger
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
July 14, 2022 - 11:33 am
As far as we've seen it, the budget is still an option.
As for quantities, if all products are 100% compliant, you don't need actual quantities or volumes. You can just enter 1 so the calculator works. You'll get a review note telling you to enter them, but it will also say, if they are 100% compliant it is not necessary. It only becomes an issue if something ends up missed/non-compliant and then you've got to dig out some actual quantities.