The railway station has one entry building which is connecting by foot over bridge with platforms. It is having AC areas majorly in station enrty building which is very less (4-5%) of total built up area of station ( station entry building + footover bridge + plateform floor + Concourse floor at Platform for passengers). The electrical equipment load which comprises of moving walk loads, PSD loads, esclators, lift loads are very high.
So I have a range of queries which i want to clarify before finalizing the energy analysis:
1. Which areas should I consider for our total annual energy consumption calculation when AC area is only in Entry building?
2. Since high electrical equipments are adding in both proposed and base design , any proper schedule is avilable all kind of equipments which we can follow ?
3. Can we exclude platform and foot over bridge & platform levels since the station entry building is majorly participating in energy simulation?
Kindly clarify these doubts. I will be really grateful for your answer and reasonings. Thanks in advance.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
December 19, 2024 - 12:58 pm
1. For energy you must include all energy use within the LEED project boundary. There are requirements for conditioned spaces that differ from un-conditioned spaces but all the energy use in un-condtioned spaces needs to be included.
2. I am not aware of a standard schedule for this type of building. You will need to create them based on how the facility is intended to be operated.
3. You must include everything within the LEED project boundary.