In our open office space, we utilize a centralized AC system controlled by the landlord, and they allow for setpoint adjustments upon staff request for thermal comfort control. However, USGBC did not approve this approach as central system setpoint modifications made by the landlord do not count toward earning credits.

It is a little challenging for us to meet the credit requirement because it is difficult to provide individual control for the occupants in the open office space. Moreover, based on our POE 90% of the occupants are already thermally comfortable in the space.

Our proposed alternatice strategy to meet this credit:

  1. Instead of providing fans for the 50% of occupants as specified in the credit requirement, we aim to offer fans only to the 10% of occupants who are not thermally comfortable according to the POE survey. We believe this targeted approach will be more effective in addressing the actual thermal comfort of employees while minimizing unnecessary electronic waste and ensuring that purchased desk fans are fully utilized. We want to avoid a situation where a large number of fans are provided but go unused, which would contribute to unsustainable purchasing practices.
  2. Recognizing that each individual has a unique thermal comfort range, we are considering implementing a hot desking policy. Under this policy, occupants would have the flexibility to move around the office to different spaces where they are personally comfortable in terms of temperature. This concept is still in the brainstorming phase, and we welcome feedback and opinions on its feasibility to achieve the credit requirement.

We would greatly appreciate hearing about any alternative approaches that other project teams have successfully employed to meet this credit requirement.
