Do we have two options for this credit:
1. locating the project within 1/4 mile radius
2. locating the project within 1/2 mile radius
or we have to fulfill both requirements?
Can we get 5 pts for fulfilling the case 3 i.e. 360, 216 Trips without ensuring commuter rail or ferry terminals???
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
367 thumbs up
October 2, 2023 - 2:12 pm
This is an "or." It means that if you are claiming bus rides, the bus stop needs to be 1/4 mi away or less. If you are claiming rail, BRT, or ferry rides, the station needs to be 1/2 mi away or less. You can combine those trips to reach your total so, yes, you can earn all 5 points with bus rides within 1/4 mile.
The reasoning is that people typically are willing to walk a longer distance to reach a train, BRT, or ferry stop than a regular bus stop. So bus stops need to be closer to count.