Dear All,

We are currently certifying a large office building using LEED v4 BD+C Core & Shell.

The base building energy use will be monitored by meters connected to the local building monitoring system.

Tenant spaces (3 - 5 per floor) will be endowed with energy meters (power meters only because tenant spaces only use electricity). This power meters will be installed by the local energy supplier and:

  1. energy use will be invoiced directly to each tenant. Therefore, each tenant will have a direct relation with the energy supplier, will know exactly the amount of energy that is using and will pay for it (energy use and related costs are detailed in the monthly invoice);
  2. energy use (hourly profiles) can be accessed by each tenant in the energy supplier cloud based web site.

Tenant Lease Agreement will include a clause guaranteeing that building management can access the above referred energy supplier cloud based web site.

Is this enough to guarantee compliance with “Advanced Energy Metering” credit or will it be necessary to connect tenant power meters to the local network where base building meters are connected ?

Thanks in advance