Our project is located in a nearby suburb of a very economically depressed city.

It is not uncommon to have copper stripped from live transformers and stolen from construction trailers and stolen from open installations before walls are enclosed.

However, I was surprised to hear that old HVAC equipment that was slated for diversion from the landfills (after the refrigerants had been removed, of course), had been stolen from our dumpster before the hauler could remove it, weigh it, and report it toward our diversion goals. As this equipment was quite hefty, it was a significant contributor to our overall percentage. Our dumpster area cannot be made any more secure than it already is for egress reasons adjacent to this area.

Is there any recourse to still be able to count this equipment by estimating what its weight might have been or do we just kiss its contribution to our totals good-bye?

Has anyone had similar issues?