We're trying to show compliance with SSc6.1. On the form they ask for Pre-development and Post-development runoff rates and quantities. The credit requires "Case 2. Existing imperviousness is greater than 50% and a stormwater management plan will be implemented that results in a 25% decrease in the volume of stormwater runoff from the two-year, 24-hour design storm." With"25% decrease in VOLUME" being the key phrase for us.

Our Pre-development Rate is 0.234 CFS and Quantity is 2,022 CF
Our Post-development Rate is 0.2754 CFS and Quantity is 0 CF

Notice that the Rate is higher but we will now have ZERO runoff (Quantity is lower) because all runoff will be/is infiltrated on-site. Since the form is not recognizing this and allowing us the point, should we try and go with:
"Special circumstances preclude documentation of credit compliance with the submittal requirements outlined in this form."
"The project team is using an alternative compliance approach in lieu of standard submittal paths."

Thoughts? Recommendations?