Do I include parking garages as part of the density calculations?
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NC-2009 SSc2: Development Density and Community Connectivity
Do I include parking garages as part of the density calculations?
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Catalyst Partners
Catalyst Partners7 thumbs up
January 18, 2017 - 10:33 am
Was this ever addressed? v4 is direct "exclude parking garages". LI 965 references city centers and the project site surrounded by parking garages, but it is not definitive on the use of parking garages in the density calculations. Anyone had any experiences with this?
Joanna Switzer
Sustainability Project ManagerAtkins
59 thumbs up
September 16, 2019 - 9:43 am
Hi John,
I actually had the same question for a LEEDv3 project and haven't found any clear answer to this yet. Did your certification submittal documentation for SSc2 end up including surrounding parking garage structures as part of your density calculations? If so, I'm curious to know - how did the LEED reviewer respond?