I like the overall structure of this credit, it's a good balance of flexibility and rigor. Looking for some clarifications on the specifics:

Extreme heat: Is there a minimum area or percentage of site that must meet these features, e.g. area shaded at noon on a summer day or percent of paving that must be high-SRI/permeable? Or is it sufficient for the design team to state that they're providing enough of the measure to mitigate heat? (I'm in favor of deferring to the design team and their knowledge of the site, but clarification in either direction would be welcome.)

Flooding: Does "two or more" refer to two of the three top-level bullets, or two of any of the bullets? Has a qualifying flood resilient design standard been identified? If a third party certification is required, how will timing work in relation to the LEED certification process, will registration and intent to certify be accepted? Would a local code that requires additional flood protection be accepted as a third party standard?

Hurricanes: Is the basic level of FORTIFIED required, or a higher level?

Winter storms: Recommend removing or editing "to parking areas" language, safe walking paths should exist to anywhere people need to access and not just parking (though I agree with the intent to not require clear paths to non-regularly used areas). Also recommend requiring that these paths be continuous & wide enough to allow wheelchair access and include curb cuts at grade changes, as that is often neglected during snow removal.