We are working for residential project to meet SS Cr 8 requirements. The proposed project has achieved interior lighting requirements. So, currently we are doing exterior lighting simulation to check the lux level at boundary & 15ft beyond (LZ3).
As per the proposed lighting design, wall bracket light has installed in the boundary wall. Height of wall bracket light is 1.8m and boundary wall height is 2.5m. In this case, there is no light trespass beyond the boundary, (i.e. boundary wall has shielding the light).
But the lux level inside the project areas (horizontal surface of project area as well inner side of boundary wall) are higher than 0.2fc. But the LUX at another side of boundary wall (which is facing adjacent plot) is 0fc only.
How i can show the compliance for horizontal lux & vertical lux are within the limit? PLEASE ADVISE
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