I am working on Football Club Academy project based on LEED NC 2009 and AGMBC 2011.
My understanding is that the lighting power density for the external floodlighting is required to comply with a figure of 2.15 W/m2 as it’s been classified as ‘a special feature area’ under ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA standard 90. 1-2007.
Campus project has 6 Football pitches and the designed floodlighting power densities are in excess of 2.15 W/m2 and are driven by the project specific requirements for the pitches.
Following is the extract from NC 2009 for SCHOOL - SS Credit 8: Light Pollution Reduction
Sports Field Lighting (Physical Education Spaces)
Physical education spaces (playing fields) do not need to comply with the lighting power density requirements of this credit, as per ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 section 9.4.5, exception E.
Automatic Shutoff: All sports lighting must be automatically controlled to shut off no later than 11 p.m. Manual override must be provided to avoid disruption of school sponsored sporting events
1.Could the exclusion of the sports field lighting clause be applicable to Football club academy registered under LEED 2009 NC as well?
2.Could I exclude the sports field lighting (floodlights power density) from energy simulation for EAp2 Minimum Energy performance as well?
Thank you in advance
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