Our signage currently reads:
"The Fulton County
Clean Indoor Air Ordinance
Prohibits Smoking
In this Building"

Just received this comment from the GBCI,
"However, although the signage communicating the smoking policy prohibits smoking within the building, the signage does not prohibit smoking within 25 feet of all entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable windows, as required.
TECHNICAL ADVICE: Please provide photographs of building signage communicating the exterior smoking policy prohibiting smoking within 25 feet of all entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable windows."

Project Team Clarification: We will install (and photograph) additional language to the signage to clarify a buffer.

Question to LEED Users: Is it sufficient to add,
‘And Within 25 Feet of All Entries’
must we explicitly state,
'within 25 feet of all entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable windows'?

notes: The building does not have any operable windows, and the average FTE does not know what an outdoor air intakes looks like. Adding these words will a) make the sign too long for people to actually read and b) seems irrelevant to this specific project.

We cannot afford to have this denied again so I'd really appreciate some feedback on specific language used on signage.

Lastly, I've had this credit approved on 3 project with signage that states 'no smoking' so it is odd that all the sudden the requirements are much more specific and stringent.