I also wasn't sure where to ask this question. It might be worthwhile to have a general EBOM topic for comments and questions not directed towards a specific credit or prereq.
Anyway, I'm starting an EBOM project on an office building that is 100% owner occupied. As I fill in the space usage information on LEED Online (under Occupant and Usage Data), I'm not certain if I list the space as 100% Office or if some of the space is considered "Circulation." What exactly is "Circulation" space? Also, if they have an IT room, is that considered "Data Center" space? Any other advice on the appropriate way to complete this information?
Thank you.
Jenny Carney
Vice PresidentWSP
LEEDuser Expert
657 thumbs up
August 25, 2010 - 6:19 pm
From what I've seen, most teams just focus on the major space types, so 100% office seems appropriate in your case. I would focus on having the entries here match what you will be reporting for space classifications in your energy benchmarking for EAp2/EAc1, which certainly wouldn't separate out circulation but might include a data center entry if it meets Energy Star's definition of a data center.
Hope this helps.