Question: If the rooms are not occupyable rooms, are they subject to the minimum OA rates in the ASHRAE 62.1-2007 standard? It makes no sense to use more energy to provide outside air to these spaces, contradicts the purpose of being energy efficient?

According to 62.1-2007, section 2.1 indicates "the standard applies to all spaces intended for human occupancy except those within singel-family houses, multi family structures......" Then section 6.1.2 indicates "This is a design procedure in which OA intake rates and other system design parameters are based on an analysis of containment sources, containment concentrations target and perceived acceptability targets." Based on these two paragraphs, it appears the code applys to all the spaces that human MAY have access to.

However, "Occupied Spaces" in 62.1 is defined as "an enclosed space intended for human activities, excluding those space intended primarily for other purposes, such as storage rooms and equipment rooms, that are only occupied occasionally and for short periods of time. It appears the frequency and duration of the space usage could be the reason to exclude spaces from 62.1 compliance.

I am aware of a project received exception from GBCI to exclude some of the spaces. But I also aware of another project that was flagged by GBCI. Anyone has experience or insight to this issue?