EQ PREREQUISITE: MINIMUM INDOOR AIR QUALITY PERFORMANCE: No Comment, other than I look forward to improvement of consistency for reviews. It seems that for as simple as the goal of this prereq, engineers have an awfully hard time satisfying the reviewers.
EQ PREREQUISITE: ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE (ETS) CONTROL: When a city has an ordinance. No matter if it is more stringent or not. It should trump the LEED rules for this pre-req. Follow the Law of the Land and easily get this pre-req.
EQ PREREQUISITE: CONSTRUCTION INDOOR AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN: Smart move to make this a prereq because everyone does it. I am just afraid that we have taken out SO MANY of the easy points that Certification will take a major jump compared to last time out. It does not feel like an incremental improvement after my review.
EQ CREDIT: OUTDOOR AIR DELIVERY MONITORING: Why is this credit going away? Seems like if you are requiring minimum ventilation we should provide a point for limiting it when not needed.
EQ CREDIT: LOW-EMITTING INTERIORS: This seems to be more complex, but I do like the idea of not having to track down a million cut sheets every single time.
EQ CREDIT: INDOOR AIR QUALITY ASSESSMENT: I like taking out CO and 4-PCH and adding Ozone.
EQ CREDIT: INTERIOR LIGHTING: Calculations for such a credit seem heavy on documentation and light on actual effectiveness on the intent.
EQ CREDIT: DAYLIGHT: I am so glad the calculation has been taken out, it was very onerous and the simulations are pretty mainstream at this point.
EQ CREDIT: QUALITY VIEWS: I like the change to include a minimum distance outside the glazing.