We are doing an energy model for a Leed assessment of a convention centre. Weust are not sure on the rules with the Leed assessment, if small power loads should be included in the final energy total.
For assessments we do for Greenstar in New Zealand, it is clear that small power loads are to be included in the model so that the mech system has to do the work to cool it, however the actual electricity to run the small power is not included in the final energy total. This is because the designer does not have the ability to reduce these loads.
Appreciate any direction.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
September 28, 2017 - 9:40 am
For LEED the energy model must include all energy use within and associated with the project. This would include all small power loads. The energy use should be included and it does not matter that the designer has no control over them. The owner is part of the design team and they have the ability to reduce these loads. Even if they won't be reduced they can impact the neutral energy use (that which is the same in both models) in the model. The higher the neutral energy use, the lower the percent savings. So not including them inflates the energy savings claimed.
Ameet AA
41 thumbs up
October 4, 2017 - 11:25 pm
Thank you for the reply!
John McCullough
AECOMJanuary 2, 2018 - 9:26 am
Is there a standardized way to calculate these loads, for example for an office where we know the amount of people and desks and computers? Or can we simple select are own way of calculating it as long as we can back it up? Thanks J
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
January 2, 2018 - 1:28 pm
The best way is to sit down with the owner and identify what will be in the building and model it as accurately as you can to reflect what is actually being installed. Maybe you then have the opportunity to make recommendations for reducing the energy use and load impacts of this end use. Short of this method you can use estimated W/area values from the 90.1 User's Manual or COMNET or similar source. Anything else should be backed up and justified.