In v2009 we are required to survey only the regular occupants and not the visitors regardless of how many visitors there are correct? Our project has 520 FTE's but over 3000 regular visitors per day (it's a courthouse). The way I understand v4 is we can not get the single point for conducting the survey if we do not survey the visitors, is this correct? "Visitors must be surveyed if either the typical peak or daily average is greater than the number of regular building occupants." If we are using v4 and we survey all 520 FTE's we will not get any points regardless of how many are commuting alternatively.
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Trista Brown
Project DirectorWSP USA
456 thumbs up
May 10, 2016 - 7:54 pm
Hi Kimberly, yes I think you've got it right. In v2009, visitors can be excluded from the survey if they represent more than 80% of the total anticipated commuting trips (page 29 of the Reference Guide has more details and outlines an additional requirement under this scenario). In v4, you have to survey visitors per the requirement you mentioned. If you used v4 and didn't survey visitors I'm not sure whether GBCI would deny the entire survey and give you zero points, or if they'd adjust the calculations to assume that 100% of visitors are conventional commuters... but either way it would negatively affect your project.
Kimberly Hosken
LEED Fellowsubcontractor
8 thumbs up
May 11, 2016 - 5:28 pm
Thank you for the response. Ironically the visitors are using the public transportation extensively, buses, tram, carpooling, and walking but it would be impossible to survey them and they are different people every day.