Our project is located into a LEED ND. When designing the Neighborhood, the amount of parking lots was established in accordance to local regulations, and this parking lots where located among the streets of the neighborhood.
Our project site is surrounded by 4 streets, and two of them are plenty of parking lots. In total there are 21 parking lots adjacent to the project
Nevertheless, our Project site doesn't include those parking lots since the streets belong to the owner of the ND. So, our project does not include the construction of any parking lot at all, because they are already built.
Q1: In order to achieve SSc4.3, can we demonstrate that 5% of the adjacent parking lots will be designated to LE/FE vehicles?
Q2: In order to achieve SSc4.4, since we are not providing new parking I guess that the credit should be achieved. Am I correct?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Ellen Mitchell
331 thumbs up
December 7, 2012 - 11:07 am
Gaston - I have been able to successfully use the approach you have described above. The direction we have seen from reviewers is that you must include any parking that will serve your building in SS4.3 calculations, but you can claim the No New Parking option of SS4.4 if there is no parking being constructed in your project scope. Using the adjacent lots for SS4.3 seems like a reasonable solution as long as it is apparent that those lots can meet the vehicular demand of your building.