We have a campus projects with three relatively equal size multi-story buildings. The owner will manage the three buildings separately. Each project will pay for their own utilities. The power for the plaza lighting (LED) is supplied by two of the buildings. However, the third will share in the costs. LEED reviewers have rejected this third project's claim to lighting costs- they state as follows: "The narrative states that the exterior lighting for the plaza area has been included in other submissions; therefore, this area has been modeled with no lighting power in the Proposed Case. However, additional lighting power allowance cannot be claimed in the Baseline model for surfaces that are not provided with lighting in the actual design. Additionally, the exterior light power calculations indicate that credit has been taken in the Proposed Design Case for lighting reductions on non-tradable surfaces. For future submittals, revise the exterior lighting power in the Baseline Case. Ensure that no additional lighting power is claimed in the Baseline model for surfaces that are not provided with lighting in the actual design, and ensure that credit is not taken in the Proposed Design Case for lighting reductions on non-tradable surfaces. Update Table 1.4 to reflect any changes, and provide an updated LEED Energy Performance Summary Report."
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5914 thumbs up
September 30, 2014 - 3:51 pm
The source of the electrical wiring should not really matter. What matters is the assigned energy use in a case where the energy cost is shared. If you assign the energy use to the projects equally then you should be able to claim the savings. Make sure there is no double-counting and that you are not trying to claim savings for non-tradable surfaces. I would recommend you submit a project team inquiry on the GBCI web site contact us to propose a solution and seek feedback from the reviewer.