We have a CS project, in which the wall mounted side lighting fixtures has been installed on the boundary wall on all sides. The height of the boundary wall is 2.5 meters. The mounting height of the wall fixture is .5 meters only. If we run the simulation with this scenario, the result shows 10-30 lux levels on and near to the boundary wall. As per SSc8 of LEED CS 2009, the project falls under LZ3 which states that “The exterior lighting should be designed such that all site and building mounted luminaries produce a maximum initial illuminance value no greater than 0.20 horizontal and vertical foot-candles at the site boundary and no greater than 0.01 horizontal foot-candles 15 ft. beyond the site.
The simulation results shows more than .20 horizontal and vertical foot-candles at the site boundary, which does not comply the LEED intent.
My question is – What is the definition of site boundary for this credit and whether to consider the point beyond the boundary wall or on the boundary wall itself to check the required fc to comply the credit requirement.
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