I have seen many comments in this forum stating that plug loads should be metered seperately from lighting loads. I'm not sure if seperating these loads is actually necessary. We have a high rise building seeking C&S certification. The owner is installing all the lighting and outlets for tenant spaces. A number of busways run vertically through all the tenant occupied spaces. One Busway feeds lighting and pug loads on each of the floors. This busway is equiped with one electrical meter at the base of the building to measure the lighting and plug loads together. Our energy model seperates plug load energy use from lighting energy use. The ASHRAE baseline plug load use is identical to the proposed in our energy model. Therefore we have no ECMs associated with plug loads.
Question: Is there any problem with this metering setup for an M&V plan? Should we be asking Project teams to seprate plug load circuitry from lighting circuitry? Why?