Our client’s CS-project has been denied EAc5.2 because we haven’t provided separate sub-metering of tenant lighting and plug loads. According to the review comment, separate sub-metering is required by LEED CI EAc3. Our project is Case 1 (less than 75 % of total area).
Have I missed something here? The CI EAc3 credit language doesn’t say anything about separate sub-metering for Case 1 projects. Also, the Green Building Design and Construction Reference Guide (2009 edition) says clearly that for CS-projects, “electricity used for lighting and plug loads and to run HVAC equipment may be measured on a single meter and reported together”.
Ante Vulin
Sustainability ManagerYR&G
80 thumbs up
October 9, 2013 - 8:56 am
Magnus, I agree with your interpretation of EAc5.2 -- we have received this credit recently on several buildings, all of which were 10-20 stories high, and where we said any future tenants would definitely occupy less than 75% of the total. You may want to clarify in your response whether future CI projects will find themselves in Case 1 or Case 2.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5922 thumbs up
October 9, 2013 - 5:32 pm
Table 2 under EAc3 in the ID+C Reference Guide certainly appears to require separate sub-meters for lighting and plug loads. This conflicts with the language in the BD+C version of the Reference Guide that you cite.
Sounds like you certainly have a case for questioning this review comment with GBCI (go on their web site and challenge the accuracy of the review comment within the Contact Us area) assuming that this is the only issue for that credit.
Personally I think the point of both these credits, which should obviously be compatible, is to have meters to measure each fuel source used by the tenants (not each end use). CS is about the infrastructure that enables the metering and CI is about installing and using them.