Can select fill mined within the LEED boundary be counted as a regional material? I have not been able to determine if the soil preparation below items included in specification sections 31.60.00 Foundations, 32.10.00 Paving, 32.30.00 Site Improvements, and 32.90.00 Planting can be counted for MRc5.
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Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
December 22, 2015 - 7:09 pm
CSI MasterFormat puts soils & fill materials under Earth Moving in Section 31.23.00 “Excavation and Fill.” Since this is not one of the designated Spec Sections, fill should not figure into material tallies for Credits MRc3 through MRc7.
Matthew Martin
Assistant Site SuperintendentQBS, Inc.
3 thumbs up
August 4, 2016 - 12:22 pm
O'kay for fill materials. What about base courses, subbase for asphalt and concrete paving? CSI MasterFormat puts Bases within section 32 1000 Paving, which is an included section for materials.. Can we assume soil preparations, subbases or bases should be within Earth Moving "excavation and fill" instead? What about for 32 9000-is topsoil for seeding considered "fill/earthmoving" or is it considered, "base, subbase"?
Thank you, -Matt
Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
August 7, 2016 - 3:40 pm
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