We are working on a LEED NC 2009 project in Germany with DES which the thermal plants consist 5 boilers and a cogenerator.

We are thinking to follow the Scandinavian DES protocol to replace Option 2 in the DES v2 guidance. According to 4.1-Equation 1:
PEFdh = ∑Ef,hob(i)*PEFhob(i)+ ∑αh,i*Ef,chp(i)*PEFchp(i) / ∑Qdel,j
The energy inputs in fuel and the delivered heating energy are requested to calculate the total primary energy factor.

The question is, are the energy inputs in fuel (Ef,hob(i), Ef,chp(i)) and the delivered heating energy (∑Qdel,j) the total annual amount or can I take the specific value in kW as planned. So far the DES does not yet exist so we don’t have the annual amounts.

If the total annual amounts shall be used here, then what is the difference between this alternative and the Option 2 in the DES v2, in which the annual energy consumption and the generated energy are also requested to calculate the average heating efficiency.

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance.