Hello -

Has anyone encountered review comments from thier EPD's about "global regions" not being specified?  
"The global region is not indicated on the EPD for the Knauf Eco Batt Insulation (line 28) and USG Sheetrock
Brand All Purpose Drywall Joint Compound (line 46) products. In addition, it appears that for Hilti CFS-SP-WB
(line 75), Hilti CFS-PL (line 76), Hilti CFS-CID/CP 680 (line 77), and Pilkington Insulated Glazing (line 100) the
region is Europe, but the project is in XX, USA.
For future submittals, confirm that the EPD provided is appropriate for the project location and is being used
on this project. If applicable, provide an updated EPD."

I am not reading that the project location is a factor in the EPD unless it is inherent in the ISO standards?  Has anyone else solved this challenge before?  Thank you!