So we got a comment on a recent NC project that the notation on the site plan indicating the set aside spaces said only "low emitting" and not both "low emitting" AND "fuel efficient". Though there apparently is still no signage requirement with respect to verbiage which would make more sense to me, there is now a requirement for the words used in the annotation made on the site plan. These words must include both low emitting and fuel efficient or expect a comment to be made. I guess I didn't think that there could be a low emitting vehicle that was not fuel efficient but I can only assume there must be. Please note LEED user verbiage above indicates and/or which will not fly apparently.
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Ellen Mitchell
331 thumbs up
July 24, 2013 - 5:39 pm
Hi Michelle, I have never been caught up on a plan notation but I have found that the review comments are pretty consistent these days requiring the exact verbiage of "low emitting and fuel efficient" vehicles for the signage.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
July 24, 2013 - 6:04 pm
Hi Ellen,
Yeah, thanks. We always advise our clients that way on the signage despite the lack of requirement. If GBCI had decided to solidify the signage requirement and ask for proof like a No Smoking sign, I wouldn't have commented at all.
I was just thrown by the plan reference. As you know, plan annotation can be a whole different ball game in terms of our ability to direct it and the potential cost impact of having to re-issue plan sheets. I tend to have difficulty in these grey areas where there isn't an explicit requirement to point to or stand on when giving guidance to our clients.
Ellen Mitchell
331 thumbs up
July 24, 2013 - 6:09 pm
I feel your pain regarding grey areas and phantom requirements!