The Reference Guide is rather vague on how a manual override should be returned to normal saying just “Manual override capability may be provided for occasional after-hours use. Implement a program to ensure that the lighting control system is being properly used to adjust lighting levels during all after-hours periods.” We have submitted a project that uses their night cleaning staff to restore any manual overrides after-hours. In the LEEDuser checklist section above, the following advice is given: “If manual overrides are available for occasional after-hours use, check that lighting system controls are restored to normal shut-off schedules following any overrides. Work with custodial staff to ensure that control systems are reactivated appropriately following an override situation.” However, we just received the project back from the preliminary review with the credit marked as “Pending” with the following comment: “Restoration to normal shutoff schedules after a manual override must be automatic rather than manual.” Any advice on how to address their comment would be greatly appreciated.
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