Dear all,
i'm studying a large resort project that aims to be LEED certified under ND, the problem that here in Egypt the government encourage and support to have the resort area or new communities out of urban area to help the sprawl on desert area. which is in a way is totally the opposite to what is required in LEED ND under the Smart Location and Linkage and Neighborhood Pattern and Design Categories.
My question is there is any possible way to be exempted from certain prerequisites or credits under these two categories in order to be able to work under the LEED ND.
Thanks in advance
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Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
May 12, 2014 - 10:59 am
Racha, you're correct that some portions of SLL and NPD could be problematic for new resorts in remote areas, but there aren't really total exemptions available for the prerequisites. You may want to consider a rating system other than ND because of its urban focus.