We are on our final review. LEED reviewers have stated that the Baseline Case system input reports indicates that supply air temperature reset was not modeled as required by Section G3.1.3.12. They advised that we revise the Baseline model as necessary to reflect the specified temperature reset controls and include these controls in the input parameters described in the Supplemental Table 1.4. and indicate any reset controls modeled for the Proposed Case. Our narrative response indicated that the Baseline Case systems had been revised to include supply air temperature reset. They responded "However, the supply air temperature reset indicated in the system input reports (supply air temperature reset of eight degree F based on outdoor air temperature) is inconsistent with that indicated in Section G3.1.3.12 (supply air temperature reset of five degree F based on minimum cooling load conditions). For future submittals, revise the Baseline Case model to report the supply air temperature reset reflecting the requirements of Section G3.1.3.12. Provide a System Entered report to verify compliance."
The 8 degree supply air reset used in the model is greater than the 5 degree supply air rest asked for in G3.1.3.12 - so is this a sound basis for rejection? Can anyone advise us on how to proceed?