We have a C&S Office Building project in Ireland. The project site is contaminated which is defined by Environmental Site Assessment Phase II including soil test results. The site will be remediated before the construction. However, there is not a specific requirement/regulation by the local authorities. Is High Priority Site Credit Option 3 Brownfield Remediation accepted in this case? Did you have a similar experience for this option?
Thank you in advance,
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
May 19, 2022 - 12:28 pm
The v4 reference guide, under Further Explanation, says " In all cases the authority having jurisdiction must require remediation for this option to be achieved." Typically, the local authority is who sets the standard for what is an adequate level of remediation, what practices must be done on site, etc., so if you are going to ask for an exception here I would recommend proposing a standard you will follow for the remediation you are doing.
that ref guide language is pretty clear, but I imagine there are some LEED users here from outside the U.S. who don't have an equivalent authority and are doing voluntary remediation. Has anyone gotten an exception from GBCI?