I have completed 4 points that should also be regional priority points, but I don't see anywhere that 4 points have been added. Will they add them after submitted or should they show up in my "points attempted"?
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Kristina Bach
VP of InnovationSustainable Investment Group
151 thumbs up
January 28, 2014 - 1:40 pm
Have you actually attempted the Regional Priority Point (not the base credit, the actual RPC point)? As there are 6 options, you have to manually select which 4 you are planning on pursuing. They should show up in your points attempted - they will not be awarded unless you specifically attempt them.
You attempt RPC points via the Credit Information Page of each applicable credit. If you scroll down to the bottom of that page to the Thresholds section, you will see a checkbox labeled "Attempt Regional credit." The credit will need to be "In-Progress" to select these. Make sure to check this box. At that point, you should mark the credit as "Complete" to make sure that it saves the RPC selection and auto-updates your "points attempted" tally. If you still need to work on the credit, just click it back over to "In-Progress" at this point.
You'll need to repeat that process for each credit where you are going to pursue the RPC point (maximum of 4).
Screenshots which help clarify this can be found the LEED Online v3 Help Content: https://www.leedonline.com/irj/go/km/docs/documents/usgbc/leed/config/co...
31 thumbs up
January 28, 2014 - 1:51 pm
Kristina, thank you for the response. What are you are saying makes sense, however, when I go to the Credit information page, none of the 6 RPS credits have a box showing RPS?? Most of them say "this credit has no threshold" and that is it. I have marked them "in progress" but the RPS box still doesn't show up. Any suggestions?
Kristina Bach
VP of InnovationSustainable Investment Group
151 thumbs up
January 28, 2014 - 2:04 pm
That's definitely odd. Have you double-checked to make sure you're looking at the correct RPC options for your LEED-Schools project? Just a thought although I'm sure you have.
If you have and they just aren't available in LEED Online, your project might have had an RPC glitch when you registered. In that case, you should use the Feedback link in LEED Online to report the issue (among the links along the top right of the main page). Anything submitted via the Feedback button will go directly to the USGBC IT Team so it's a great spot to report any LOv3 issues/glitches you might be having. In addition to the required fields, I strongly recommend filling in the project ID field as that is how the IT Team will locate your project and fix the issue. The more details you can provide in the description, the better your response will be.
Good luck! I'd expect it to take up to 5 business days to get fixed. Also - I believe that you should get an auto-email with a case number after you submit the form. If you don't get one that day, you might want to fill it in again just in case your original request did not go thru.
31 thumbs up
January 28, 2014 - 3:11 pm
I did double check to make sure which RPC options are available for my project, but none of them show up. I have sent a message using the feedback link. Thanks again for your help.