Can we claim the fill used on the site for Regional Material and/or recycled material?
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NC-2009 MRc5: Regional Materials
Can we claim the fill used on the site for Regional Material and/or recycled material?
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Nadav Malin
CEOBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
844 thumbs up
October 15, 2010 - 9:45 am
No, I'm afraid not. For one thing, if it came from the site you didn't buy it, so you don't have a dollar value to put in the calculation. And it certainly doesn't meet the definition of "recycled".
Linda Davisson
Senior Sustainability StrategistJacobs Engineering
225 thumbs up
October 15, 2010 - 11:03 am
My understanding from NC 2.2 is that crushed concrete and asphalt (from existing site conditions) may be reused for site fill and contribute to both MRc2 and MRc5, but not MRc3 or MRc4. Use the cost of new fill or 'replacement value' in the calculations for MRc5. We have successfully documented this method on numerous projects.
Nadav, Is this still true for 2009?
Anne Nicklin
Executive DirectorBuilding Materials Reuse Association
167 thumbs up
October 19, 2010 - 1:30 pm
Hi Linda,
It's true that excavated concrete and asphalt were able to be used under NCv2.2 for MRc5 and MRc2, though I'm not sure that would hold up in version 2009.
In terms of MRc2, soils have been explicitly excluded because they throw of the weight calculations, though you should definitely be able to count asphalt and concrete that are recycled. I'd be cautious about claiming asphalt and concrete for local fill, and push to divert it to road bed construction, or something more specific than fill.
For MRc5, the new CSI sections call out Section 31.60.00 (foundations), 32.10.00 (paving), 32.30.00 (site improvements) and 32.90.00 (planting). These do not include Section 31.23.23 (Excavation and Fill). Thus, if you are reusing the material as fill it won't be included in your calculations. Paving is included though, so if it can be diverted to a paving specific use then it should be eligible for inclusion.
Hope that helps.
Linda Davisson
Senior Sustainability StrategistJacobs Engineering
225 thumbs up
October 19, 2010 - 2:01 pm
I agree with your comments. I should have been more specific--we have documented crushed concrete/ asphalt for MRc2 & 5 for site fill under pavinge excluding soil (not recommended under building slab) -- not general site fill. We will continue to promote this approach.