Dear all,
I understand that “Optimize energy performance” in LEED v4 updated in 2024 is awarded as the sum points for energy use or energy cost emissions and greenhouse gas emissions.
A project is installing a district heating & cooling system, so I understand that the “DES Large-scale calculator sheet” is utilized in the Minimum energy calculator.
I don't know how to reflect the results of the “DES Large-scale calculator sheet” in the cost and greenhouse gas emission in the LEED Optimize energy performance.
I am currently working on a simulation that shows that “CO2eq emissions w/pumps and distribution lossed (kg/MWh)” for district heating in the “DES Large-scale calculator” is 250.5 kg/MWh for baseline and proposed is 158.1.
A result District cooling is 120.8 for Baseline and 9.7 for Proposed.
These results do not appear to be shown in the “Summary” sheet.
What I would like to know is how to reflect the results of District heating and cooling reductions in the Greenhouse gas emission rating axis.
As this is my first attempt, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
Best regards,
Tyler Thumma
7GroupLEEDuser Expert
67 thumbs up
February 21, 2025 - 10:49 am
First, make sure you are using the Minimum Energy Performance Calculator specifically for the 2024 update:
Make sure you include entries in the General Information tab for LEED Project Location, zip code (US projects), e-Grid Region (US projects) / Canadian Province (Canadian projects), and complete the District Energy Systems section.
Within the Performance Outputs tab, complete Table 1. Energy Sources including the district cooling and district hot water. Once the DES Large-Scale Calculator is completed, the GHG emissions factors should automatically populate within the Performance Outputs tab.
Refer to the DES Large-Scale_Info tab for more detailed instructions, and I would suggest reaching out to GBCI if you continue to experience issues because there are known problems with the current version of this calculator.