Hi LEED users,
Our project is targeting at least option 1 of sourcing of raw material credit. I need to know how the manufacture can claim the precentage of recycle content. Is there any standard should be followed to demonstrate the compliance. Or only a letter from the manufactor claiming the recycled contents is suffiecient
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
525 thumbs up
May 16, 2023 - 7:48 am
Recycled content claims must conform to the definition in ISO 14021.
I understand this to require the recycled content in a product to be determined by 'mass' and not by 'volume'.
never got pushback from GBCI in regards to how recycled content of a product was determined by the manufacturer.
Only time comments have been received is when teams provide industry-wide or company-wide recycled content claims. LEED requires product-specific recycled content info.
Hope this helps!