In an effort to achieve a 95% diversion rate, my team will be submitting waste receipts for the demolition of two buildings that existed on our site before construction of the new project began. As a part of these demolition receipts, I have a series of "whitegoods" receipts for refrigerators, copy machines, drinking fountains, etc. which were recorded per appliance, rather than by weight.
Does anyone have experience in recording the recycling of white goods, and if so how would I best record them on LEEDonline given that they were not weighed at the time of recycling?
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September 3, 2015 - 1:11 pm
Chris - I don't have any personal experience with this but when I have documented recycled materials from the job, I've either gotten the weight or volume of the items to use for this credit. The LEED Reference Guide has a Solid Waste Conversion factor table but that doesn't help you much as it doesn't cover appliances. If you don't have model information, it will be hard to get the diverted material weight and have it be able to be defendable for LEED. Have you tried contacting any of the Resources in Section 12 of the LEED Reference Guide to see if they have any advice (like I hope if other LEEDusers have experience with this that they will chime in.