In the Water Metering prerequisite it says:
"If reclaimed water is used for any water credit, that reclaimed water component must be provided with a meter (regardless of rate). If the reclaimed water system has a makeup water connection it shall be metered as well to facilitate the determination of the true reclaimed water component. In the Advanced Water Metering credit "on-site water reclamation systems plumbed to receive supplemental water (reclaimed, raw, or potable) from a municipal supply or a groundwater well must meter the supplemental makeup water and discharge from the system, if the projected amount of water is 50 gallons/day." These sound almost exactly the same to me, with tougher requirements for the prerequisite than the credit.

I think the language should exist only in the credit, and not the prerequisite, because it adds further required cost to a reclaimed water system, making it a less attractive option. (It's tough enough to interest my clients in water re-use!)