Is it possible to show compliance with this prerequisite by reducing potable water use by harvesting and reusing rainwater for flushing?
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Dan Ackerstein
PrincipalAckerstein Sustainability, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
819 thumbs up
December 8, 2011 - 12:51 pm
Absolutely Udana. I don't believe the LEEDOnline template for WEp1 is currently set up to accomodate this calculation, but in principle the credit is about the amount of potable water used for fixture functions - using non-potable water to replace potable water is a step in the right direction. My thinking is that you would complete the fixture calculations in the normal methodology, then supplement your calculations with an additional submittal detailing the annual graywater collection volume (based on metering?) and the % reduction from the baseline resulting when that volume is subtracted from your WEp1 calculation. Alternately, if graywater provides 100% of your flushing water for toilets/urinals year-round, you could input those fixtures as 0 gal/flush and get the same result.
Hope that helps,
Udana Ratnayake
121 thumbs up
December 20, 2011 - 1:51 am
Thanks Dan. was thinking the same. :)