The credit requires that : "annual district pumping energy consumption that exceeds 2.5% of the annual thermal energy output of the heating and cooling plant must be offset by increases in the component’s efficiency beyond the 10% improvement."
What pumps should be included? Only distribution pumping? Or other pumps should be included?
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
September 30, 2018 - 3:33 pm
Vincent, same answer as v2009: in addition to distribution network pumps you should also include central plant pumps.
Antonio Galicia
January 18, 2022 - 11:29 am
I am using "Path 2. Comprehensive System Power Simulation" to achieve this credit. I understand that Path 2 does not need to meet the requirement of not exceeding 2.5% annual thermal energy in my pumping system.
Instead, I just need to show that my proposed DES plant shows an annual energy savings improvement of at least 10% compared to a DES plant with minimum efficiency requirements and a that the proposed average efficiency must be 10% better than the baseline case average efficiencies.
Could you help me confirm if this is correct, please?
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
January 18, 2022 - 12:54 pm
Antonio, I believe your understanding may be incorrect. Path 2 does not eliminate the 2.5% pumping energy requirement, but instead offers a different way of documenting compliance. I'm not seeing an explicit exemption for pumping energy in Path 2 in the Reference Guide's Step-by-Step Guidance or Further Explanation sections, or in the Appendix 4 DES modeling guidelines. Are you seeing wording that gives you the impression that the pumping energy limit is not part of Path 2?
Antonio Galicia
February 28, 2022 - 11:34 am
Hello again, thanks for the previous answer. I get that the 2.5%-pumping-energy requirement must be achieved no matter the path.
I have another doubt related to this credit: Does the plant with efficiency upgrades analysis take into account the pumping systems? I think not because these systems are not included in sections 6.4 and 7.4 in ASHRAE 90.1-2010. Only in the chillers, boilers and cooling towers, I have to do the analysis with the 10%-efficiency improvement. I need to do this analysis because the project has a combined heat and power system
Can you help me to confirm if this is correct please...
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
February 28, 2022 - 1:15 pm
Antonio, there are two kinds of pumping energy in the credit: first, distriubution pumping to move hot/chilled water through pipelines to customers; and second, boiler/chiller pumps within a production plant. The latter should be included in a plant upgrade analysis, while distribution pumping outside the plant should be excluded from the analysis.
Antonio Galicia
February 28, 2022 - 2:01 pm
Thanks for the clarification, Eliot.
Currently, I am developing the three scenarios asked by path 1 (pg. 440 LEED ND V4) with the following features of my pumps within the central plant:
Minimally efficient DES plant (Baseline ASHRAE 90.1)
Chilled-water pumps---------22 W/gpm
Condenser-water pumps----19 W/gpm
Proposed CHP plant (current project's pumps)
Chilled-water pumps---------79.1 W/gpm
Condenser-water pumps----28.7 W/gpm
DES plant with efficiency upgrades (10% efficiency upgrades)
Chilled-water pumps---------19.8 W/gpm ??
Condenser-water pumps----17.1 W/gpm ??
Should I consider these numbers in this scenario?
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
February 28, 2022 - 2:07 pm
Antonio, yes, I would include those numers.
Antonio Galicia
February 28, 2022 - 5:25 pm
I really appreciate your help, Eliot.
Also, in this project that I'm working on, they are including heat exchangers in each of the 15 independent buildings that are part of the district cooling with the following temperatures:
Cold side ----- ∆T=15°F
Hot side ------ ∆T=12°F
Would you see any inconvenience in using this ∆Ts ? I ask this because I have seen projects with ∆T=10, 12 and 14 but this is the first time I see ∆T=15.
Which source would you recomend me that explains thess design temperatures for a District cooling?
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
February 28, 2022 - 5:39 pm
Antonio, I would recommend providing documentation from the heat exchanger manufacturer (e.g. a "cut sheet") that describes exchanger performance specifications, including the deltas.
Antonio Galicia
March 22, 2022 - 12:46 pm
"Annual district pumping energy consumption that exceeds 2.5% of the annual thermal energy output......."
This requirement should include the chilled-water (chiller to load) and condenser-water (chiller to cooling tower) pumpings? Or just chilled-water pumps?
Eliot Allen
LEED AP-ND, PrincipalCriterion Planners
LEEDuser Expert
303 thumbs up
March 23, 2022 - 1:34 pm
Antonio, any kind of pump should be included in the 2.5% calculation, including condenser water pumps.