I serve on the Arts Commission at the City of Sunnyvale in California. When a company starts a new private development (i.e. construction) project in the City of Sunnyvale, they are required to spend 2% of their construction budget on public artwork for the community. This is called the Public Art in Private Development program.

Many cities across the US and other countries have a similar Percent for Art requirement as well. Reference: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent_for_art .

Currently, there aren’t incentives for developers and artists to adopt sustainable practices for such public artwork.

In LEED v5, I would suggest public art be included in the scope of the LEED project boundary. That way, developers and artists can earn LEED credits for adopting sustainable practices. For example, if artists adopt practices as those described in the LEED Building and Materials Reuse section, they should earn LEED credits accordingly.