In the proposed building that I’m modeling there is a CAV system without cooling system (in the AHU a water coil is heated by hot water). How shall I model the cooling system? I know that “Where no cooling system exists or no cooling system has been specified, the cooling system shall be identical to the system modeled in the baseline building design” (Table G3.1 item 10.c.). In the baseline model I have to create a System 5 – Packaged VAV with Reheat. Shall the reheat coil of the proposed model be heated by the boiler of the actual system or shall it be heated by a virtual boiler having the same efficiency of the boiler of the baseline model? More generally speaking, in the proposed model shall the cooling system be completely independent from the heating system?
How shall I determine the set-points for the cooling system? If I impose a high temperature as set-point (e.g. 35°C) the cooling system will never work. In that case, why modeling a cooling system?
With Regards