Hi there,

I am in the process of filling out the LEED EAp2 form for a LEED-NC project. On page 7, table EAp2-4, when I input the numbers from my Energy model (EnergyPro, UTIL-1) into the Baseline Performance (0 rotation), somehow at the end column "Baseline Building Results" on the same row, the Results number is always 1/4 of what I input. For example, if I input under "Interior Lighting" Energy Use as 20,000 kWh, the Baseline Building Results will be populated as 5,000. As a result, my proposed energy use is much worse than the baseline, which is incorrect.

Am I doing something wrong here? I think I definitely am, as this is my first time filling out the v3 form. The v2 form doesn't seem to have that issue.

Anyone can help with this? Thanks!