Dear Experts,

I am straggling to input Fan Power in the baseline model (System 6 - Packaged VAV with PFP Boxes) and have the following issues:

1- In Table 1.4.6 - General HVAC, there is a note for this type of system that requires
“All Baseline fans in parallel VAV fan-powered boxes sized for 50% of peak primary airflow and modeled with 0.35 W/cfm fan power and a minimum flow setpoint of 30% of peak (or minimum ventilation rate) per G3.1.3.14”.
Supply and return air of the system are equal, 49,202 cfm for each. Based on this cfm, supply fan power and return fan power is 17.22 KW (49,202 * 0.35). This number is different with the figure from ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Baseline Fan Power Calculator (The spreadsheet from 7group). In addition, when I input the supply and return cfm and 17.22 KW for both fans in “Table 1.4.7A - Baseline Air-Side HVAC System Schedule”, it indicates “Allowed Fan Power” to be 55.4 KW and it would be red marked with any other numbers input as system fan power.

2- In eQUEST’s “Fan Power and Control” screen, the input boxes for supply and return design KW/cfm are grayed out (n/) and I cannot input any data for the fan powers.

I would truly appreciate your comments,
