The previously developed site definition reflected in the narrative above is one that I'm familiar with from a fairly recent addendum. Yet when I look at the 2009 Edition reference manual and the "new" rating systems on the new USGBC website, I see the following:

"Previously developed areas are those that previously contained buildings, roadways, parking lots or were graded or altered by direct human activities."

This less stringent definition would seem to imply that agricultural or farming activities that included a small house for example would qualify as altered by human activities, which is not how I interpret the definition provided on this website - "altered landscapes resulting from current or historical...agricultural...use...are considered undeveloped land"

And, the accompanying definition of Greenfield sites in the reference manual includes "rural landscapes" as a natural area modified by agro-forestry-pastoral activities.

My project is on a site that used to contain a sod farm and a small house. Is that considered previously developed or not? And more importantly, how can I be sure what the correct definition is at any given time?