LEED V4 prerequisite for prerinse spray valves is 1,3 gpm (4,9 liters per minute) but I haven't found any products with such low flow rate sold in Finland. Some manufacturers have products with 6 liters per minute which was required in V3. Has anyone experienced, what products have been used in Europe or is there possibly ACP for projects outside the US? In reference guide it is said that in countries where WaterSense in not available project must comply with the 20%-below-baseline requirement but have no additional performance requirements. However, the requirement for prerinse spary valve is not WaterSense label but the flow rate, so I guess prerinse spray valve cannot be excluded?
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
481 thumbs up
April 1, 2018 - 6:20 pm
This may be a naive question, but are you not able to order valves from outside Finland via the internet and have them shipped? Is it a compatibility issue?
I did not see any ACPs for the prerinse spray valves. I would probably contact GBCI and ask them what would be appropriate for your situation. http://www.gbci.org/contact
Jens Apel
134 thumbs up
April 9, 2018 - 2:24 am
In a current project the option of shipping them from elsewhere was not used, I can't remember if it was technically not feasible or had a different reason. The plumbing engineer inserted a pressure compensating flow reducer into the pipe connections and, in coordination with the pre-rinse valve manufacturer, had a new valve front plate designed. Basically the number or diameter of holes was reduced to ensure proper water jets with reduced flow rates.