I just got my final review comments back for my project and EAp2 was denied. As a result, we didn't get any energy credits and we did not get certified.

The problem I am facing is that the review team is misinterpreting the DOE-2 report. As a result, they are saying our energy cost savings cannot be substantiated.

The review comments state that “the demand, energy consumption, and energy cost values listed in the (EAP2) form significantly vary from the DOE-2 summary reports”. They specifically cite an example: the EAP2 form shows 8,920 kWh/yr for lighting, whereas the DOE-2 report shows only 1,053 kWh/yr.

The reason why the number on the EAp2 form is so much higher is because it accounts for conditioned and unconditioned space. The DOE-2 report only reflects the conditioned space, a small percentage of the entire building. (I double checked this by calling EnergySoft.)

Any insights on how to make sure my appeal is successful?

Any chance I can get the appeal cost waived?

